Sunday, July 4, 2010

The Art of Racing in Hakone

Posting by Noah Goldbaum:

The day after we got to our new hotel we went on a walk down the street and we found a gift shop/arcade, so we went inside. Downstairs was the giftshop. Upstairs was the arcade. In the arcade there was a track where you could race remote-controlled cars. There were two Porsche Cayenne's and six Formula One racing cars. Robert said that the track opened at 10:00am. He really wanted to race them. I wasn't so crazy about it at first, but when I saw Robert do it I wanted to try it. So I did. We both chose Formula One cars.

When I tried it, it was hard at first to control the car, because it was new to me. I got used to it after 5 or 10 minutes (each turn was 15 minutes long). The third day we tried it Robert and I were so good we both set a new record: one lap with no crashing into the walls or each other. The next lap I was only a foot away from setting another record: two laps without crashing! I can't believe I crashed one foot away from making a new record!

After our time was up the guy working there gave us another try (with no charge!) with the Porsches. They stunk! They kept turning around if we wanted them to go straight! But it was still fun. Right when we started playing with the Porsches a bunch of teenagers from Canada came to race the cars. Robert and I wanted to race the teenagers, because we thought we could crush them! Some of them didn't even know how to back up!

We had a great day at the arcade today! It was our favorite thing to do in Japan.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sumiko, Ruby, Robert and Noah! It's Auntie Susie finally getting set up to follow your blog. What a great time you are having in Japan. It is so wonderful that you can visit Japanese friends and experience how they live in their country. You are all so adventurous!

    We went out for dinner with your Dad on his birthday and he showed us the pictures that he had on his phone. You look like you are having so much fun!

    It is very hot here in New England. Too hot to go outside much. We are getting ready to go on vacation to California in two weeks. Papa is coming with us and is staying with Liz for 6 days. We will spend one day in the city and visit a museum.

    We will stay with Lee's brother'f family in Berkeley. We will go to the Napa Valley region for the weekend and spend some time on the Russian River with Steve, Deb and Hana (21 years old). We are looking forward to seeing everyone.

    I love your blog so keep it up. You are all such good writers and as I read what you write I can almost hear your voices speaking the words!

    Auntie susie
