Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Day 1- Arrival in Tokyo, Japan

We made it to Japan! What a long trip!

We flew out of Boston Tuesday morning at 10:30am. We had to fly to Chicago for a connecting flight to Tokyo, Japan. We left Chicago around 1pm and arrived in Tokyo ~14 hours later! Japan is 13 hours ahead of Boston, so the time that we arrived was 3:30 pm Japanese time (but for our Boston timeclocks it was 2:30 in the morning!) We watched a couple movies, read, listened to music, ate, walked around and played a few games. We tried to sleep on the plane, but were only able to get in 3 or 4 hours of off and on sleep. We were tired but excited when we arrived in Tokyo.

Here is a photo of the kids at the airport, waiting to board our plane to Chicago. This is a photo of the boys sleeping. In business class the seats recline fully so that you (try) to sleep better.

The food seems to be the most challenging thing for the children. Everything has a "Japanese" twist to it; that is everything has an asian seasoning to it, or has been prepared in a slightly different way and there are lots of vegetables. I love the vegetables, but the children are more particular about what vegetables they will eat and the are used to things prepared a certain way. This experience will hopefully make them more open-minded about trying new things and even expand their gustatory repertoire!

This is a photo of Obaachan (grandmother, in Japanese), Konishi-san, and the kids waiting for the hotel shuttle bus. On the right is Ruby and Konishi-san.

Our family friend Mrs. Konishi (or Konishi-san as they say in Japan) met us at the airport. Our family and the Konishi's have been friends for a long time. Konishi-san has grandchildren who are 3, 7 and 9, so we have a great time playing with them. We will stay near them in a couple weeks after we travel south to visit our children's great grandmother and great aunt.

We are now at a hotel outside of Tokyo and will stay here two nights and then we will be off on the shinkansen (the bullet train) to Hakone ( We'll post more tomorrow! Hope you are all enjoying the first days of summer...wherever you are!

Sumiko (Mrs. Goldbaum), Ruby, Robert and Noah

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